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Independent Shop Tour - Episode 1 - Uptons of Basset Butcher

Isabelle and I (Chloé) from Germany and France realised that it was pretty difficult to find a quality butcher shop around us during our studies in Southampton. In Europe, it is a tradition to go to your local butcher shop or bakery. European people are used to shopping locally prioritising quality.

On our food tour around Southampton, our first stop was Simon Broadribb’s butcher shop Uptons of Basset, located at 351 Winchester Road in Southampton.

Simon since the age of 13, knew he wanted to be a butcher, not just a butcher, one with awards. Uptons of Basset is one of he premier butchers in the south. Winning the Gold Award in the Great Taste Awards for their homemade smoked bacon three years in a row. A long list of awards can be found on their website.

Simon is getting his meat “down the road”, it’s not only local but they pay for good quality meat. The farm being so close, Simon makes sure that customers know where the meat is from and has a close relationship with the farmer if there are any questions about how the animals were fed.

This traditional butcher also has a bistro/café next door where people can savour homemade pies, scotch eggs, and English breakfast with all the delicious products from the butcher shop. Simon explains: “We are cooking and serving what we produce.”

A “steak bar” is also available, customers can choose the piece of steak they want as well as the size, the team will cook it up the way you, as the customer want, and then you can taste your perfectly cooked steak in the bistro.

They also organise themed pop-up dinners. With “a three-course seasonal feast” this allows people to try out some meat they would have never dared try by themselves.

When people think of local quality butchers, they obviously think about how affordable they can be.

The owner says: “People should certainly give us a try-out” he gave us some examples of affordable quality meat available at the shop from burger meat to sausages and black pudding. Simon acknowledges that not everyone can afford us, but “these classic burgers which are pork and beef mixed have come four times third best in Britain's burger contest is only £1,25”.

After trying the burger meat at home, it became clear that quality is always better than quantity when it comes to food. People who eat less meat and want better quality meat and know that the farm is local and green give the customer an enjoyable experience.

As Simon said, “come and try us out and see if you like it.”

We found the place very clean and visually pleasant, and the staff was very friendly and welcoming. The bistro side was very enjoyable sure we will come back to experience it from a customer's point of view.

Have a look at our visit and the interview with Simon Broadribb:

Simon Broadribb the owner of Uptons of Basset Butcher. Credit: Chloè Nowicki

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